Welcome to an evening of performances and talks at Galeria Liberdad in Santiago de Queretaro in collaboration with El Dia D on Friday, February 3, 2023 at 7pm (free entrance). We present a new performance by the EEGsynth collective. For the performance we collaborate with the Canadian choreographer Benoît Lachambre who has deeply interesting ways to introspect that are based in somatic practices in order to generate novel brain waves to make music. We will also present a work in progress from the Vision Forum Zygote project that looks at how the movements of the embryo can be turned into dance movements. For the performance we will use prerecorded brain signals to generate music.
Galería Libertad (And. Libertad 56, Centro, 76000, Santiago de Querétaro, Qro.) +52 442 214 2358
The participating artists are supported by Kulturbryggan and Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse.