We are proud to announce that the program for Transformation in Stockholm is online! Join us for concerts, talks and lots of fun at R1 Reaktorhallen and Trädgården May 30-June 1.
Transformation takes its starting point in the EEGsynth technology and centers on transformations between music ↔ body, brain ↔ body, sound ↔ music, triggers ↔ events, matter ↔ energy, digital ↔ analogue. The events will move between underground experiences in R1 and sunny meetings at Trädgården, featuring seminal figures in experimental music, neuroscience and performance-art in cross-disciplinary dialogues and multimedia performances.
Performances and talks include: Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, David Rosenboom, Severine Samson and Dungeon Acid. Find the whole program here.