
Urgency Vs Leisure

March 24-27, 2011

Invitation card

Are you fed up with your job and you feel you deserve a vacation? Do you suspect that in moments of relaxed leisure/pleasure you are more creative and your brain performs better than when you strain it for your work? If your answer is positive, join us in Belgrade, where we will gather our neurons for an intellectual party in the true fashion of every Ouunpo zession! Our gathering will this time take place in Belgrade, capital of the former Yugoslavia, a fun city not far from the leisurely coast of the Adriatic sea. The topic of the meeting is ”Urgency Vs Leisure” and will resonate in relation to the local context, the geopolitical history of the Balkans and to the actual revolutions and emerging crises of democracy in Europe and in the word.

The session was an occasion to reflect on the nomadism of the artistic community but also on performing art, both intended as a liberating and revolutionary experience and as a form of immaterial labor that reveals itself to be particularly productive in the context of neo-liberism. These and other subjects have been developed in dialogue with the curatorial collective TkH (Walking theory) who presented their theoretical magazine on performance and their project ”Deschooling classroom” inspired by the critical ideas on education of Ivan Illich, and during meetings with various Belgrade-based curators and artists.

Supported by Linköpings Universitet and The Swedish Institute in Stockholm.

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