OuUnPo is a research group composed of artists, curators and researchers who together look at the boundaries of performance by appropriating and stretching the language of workshops, seminars and meetings. OuUnPo has met regularly in different European locations since 2009. OuUnPo is an international exercise in democracy and self-organisation. It has no rules, no hierarchy, no permanent members or written program. These are negotiated and renegotiated by the members for each session.
OuUnPo has worked with cultural institutions like Tate Britain in London; MACRO, Rome; Serralves and Casa de Musica in Porto; ZKM in Karlsruhe; Mori Art Museum and Spiral in Tokyo; Bankart 1929 in Yokohama; MAM and Pinacoteca in Sao Paulo and Deste Foundation in Athens. We have collaborated with academic Institutions like Karolinska institutet and Kungliga Konsthögskolan in Stockholm; Donders Institute in Nijmegen; HfG in Karlsruhe, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and Musashino Art University in Tokyo and received Financial support from European Cultural Foundation and Mondriaan Stichting in Amsterdam; Kulturbryggan, SLL and Statens Kulturråd in Stockholm; the Goethe institut in Sao Paulo; The Swedish Institute in Stockholm and Paris; the embassies and consulates of France in Tokyo and Yokohama; The Swedish embassies and consulates in Tokyo and Brasilia.