
The EEGsynth i Tunisia

Per Huttner will perform Mira Miraculous for the opening of “You Are not A Guest.” The exhibition and program is curated by Abir Boukhari. The exhibition is presented at Elbirou Gallery in Sousse. The opening starts April 17, 2023 at 18h and the performance at 21h. Everyone is welcome and entrance is free. Mira Miraculous […]


More CO2 in Denmark

Vision Forum and the project “Do Trees Dream of CO2” are hosted by Earthwise in Bogens outside Aarhus for a workshop April 11-14, 2022. During these intense working days, artists will together investigate what happens to trees and humans at night and if the two can find a platform for nocturnal exchange using the EEGsynth. […]


The Return of Hypnosis

The EEGsynth team is working together with French hypnotherapist Thomas Auroux throughout spring and summer 2023. Together they investigate how music and sound can be generated under hypnosis as well as how the EEGsynth can aid in this process. The investigations using both EEG and EMG will lead to the creation of a new performance […]


Fish and EEG in Stockholm

The EEGsynth project Cod-spawning and Music will be at demo-stage at Tekniska museet in Stockholm February 11-12, 20023. In the project we use recordings of the cods’ mating sounds to make contemporary music. We also use humans’ nerve-signals to modulate the sound. The long term goal is to use real time data from cod and […]


The EEGsynth returns to Mexico

Welcome to an evening of performances and talks at Galeria Liberdad in Santiago de Queretaro in collaboration with El Dia D on Friday, February 3, 2023 at 7pm (free entrance). We present a new performance by the EEGsynth collective. For the performance we collaborate with the Canadian choreographer Benoît Lachambre who has deeply interesting ways […]


LPJ-L returns to Copenhagen

The musical collective LPJ-L which uses the EEGsynth to produce new and exciting technology and new musical material for an album that will be released by Vision Forum and our Danish partners in spring 2023. The group will meet and work at Huhta Home Studios in Copenhagen November 30 December 4. The new technology comprises […]



We are proud that Swedish National Radio’s “Elektroniskt” devote a large chunk of their 2h broadcast to our project LPJ-L and how they use brainwaves to make music. The interviews are in Swedish, but the music is of course in “Esperanto.” You find the whole show and/or the interviews in the link above. ( It is […]


Do Trees Dream of CO2 in Paris

The members of our project “Do Trees Dream of CO2” are meeting in Paris November 25-26 for a workshop to prepare for future performances. During these working days, artists will together investigate what happens to trees and humans at night and if the two can find a platform for nocturnal exchanges. The will look at […]


More Technology Development in the North

The musical and performance collective that uses the EEGsynth to produce new and exciting work has started working with new technology. In preparation for for future performances members of the collective will meet in Stockholm November 8-14 to figure out how the new technology can be used in the best of ways. They are working […]

Learning Music Science Technology

European Heritage Days

On Septembre 17th, the ANR funded BBDMI project opened their doors to its laboratory at MSH Paris Nord, as part of the European Heritage days. We were able to showcase our latest developments, and we did so with an ambitious setup: In sessions of about a dozen people each, we allowed guests to measure their […]


Transformation III

In spring 2019 the EEGsynth crew and Vision Forum organised a 4-day event in Stockholm called Transformation. It investigated how bodily signals from muscle and brain as well as audience movements can be further used in musical and performative creation. The event was greatly appreciated by audience, participants and the media. During the festival composers, […]


EEGsynth in Bremen

The Association for the Palliative Turn (APT) is a project initiated by Olav Westphalen. It is an open platform for artists to make work around the palliative turn. Over the summer APT has been hosted by Künstlerhaus Bremen. The project in Bremen brings together contributions from artists, designers, a kinesiologist, a philosopher, a comedian, a […]


Dreams Become Film and Music

Artists and filmmakers Per Huttner, Van Che and Fabien Guillermont will create an interdisciplinary film workshop at Teatermaskinen in Riddarhyttan September 5-11, 2022. The workshop will lead to the production of a documentary film. During the workshop seven people will live and make short film sequences based on the dreams that they dream during the […]


Do Trees Dream of CO2?

Vision Forum and our project “Do Trees Dream of CO2” are hosted by the amazing Secret Hotel and Earthwise outside Aarhus for a workshop August 19-25, 2022. During these intense working days, artists will together investigate what happens to trees and humans at night and if the two can find a platform for nocturnal exchanges. […]


LPJ-L x 2 in Copenhagen

The musical collective LPJ-L which uses the EEGsynth to produce new and exciting music has started developing new material for a series of concerts in spring 2023. Parallel to that they prepare a series of album releases. In preparation for both, members of the collective will meet in Copenhagen August 26-28 and November 30 to […]

Art Documentary Music Performance Pure Data Science Technology

Videos online: International Conference on Live Interfaces

ICL conference website Atau Tanaka and I presented our work on EMG-EEG hybridization for Brain-Body Digital Music Instrument (BBDMI) during this year’s ICLI 2022, on June 20th – 23rd, 2022. It was a blast! The presentations and performances explored digital art, computation and their relationship to human thought, experience and art. The conference was a hybrid […]

Art Hardware Science Software Technology

12 years of DIY-EEG

Back around 2010 we first explored open-hardware EEG for some fun, creative uses of real-time EEG analyses and control. At the time, there was not much around in terms of affordable EEG hardware or even real-time EEG analyses software. At the Donders Center for Cognitive Neuroscience in Nijmegen (NL), Robert was setting up the first […]


documenta fifteen

The EEGsynth team is proud to announce that we will present “Ghetto Gucci” at documenta fifteen June 17, 18 and 19 with Atis Resizstans/Ghetto Biennial at St. Kunigundis, Leipziper str. 145,  Kassel. The performance will start at 19h June 17 and 20h June 18 and 19. Background to the piece: During the 6th Ghetto Biennial […]


EEGsynth in Governing Bodies in Helsinki

Vision Forum is proud to announce the third incarnation of Governing Bodies. It includes several EEGsynth events and previous collaborators like Professor Veikko Jousmäko. The project has previously appeared on Zoom, in Östersund and in Copenhagen. The session in Finland is co-organised with The Bioart Society and takes place June 1-5, 2022. Together the two […]

Art Dance Learning Music Performance Science Technology

International Conference on Live Interfaces

June 20th – 23rd, 2022 Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e TecnologiasCampo Grande 376, 1749-024 Lisboa Atau Tanaka and I will be presenting our work on EMG-EEG hybridization for Brain-Body Digital Music Instrument (BBDMI) during this year’s ICLI 2022, on June 20th – 23rd. We hope you will join us! Attendance is free, both remote and at […]

Art Learning Music Science Technology

Atau Tanaka presents BBDMI at Collège de France

As part of her seminar Human-Computer Partnerships at the Collège de France, Professor Wendy Mackay invited Atau Tanaka to about his work and views on human-computer interaction in music creation. Prof. Mackay introduced the day by positioning artificial intelligence in human computer partnerships. She emphasized her user-centered perspective, in which many aspects of implementation (e.g. […]

Music Performance Software

The EEGsynth in Teheran

Per Huttner makes a performative lecture with the online platform The Teheran Summit on May 19, 18.00 CET using the EEGsynth. In the talk he will first make a short demonstration of the EEGsynth. It is a technology platform that him and others in the VF team use to make performances with the help of […]

Hardware Music Performance Software Technology

LPJ-L in Gotenburg

We are proud to announce that “LPJ-L” will perform at “Vetenskapsfestivalen”  (The Science Festival) in Gothenburg 7pm May 7. The concert is open to the public at free of charge (Göteborgs universitet, Humanisten, Trappscenen, Renströmsgatan 6, 412 55 Göteborg). More practical details here. The group which has been playing under different monikers (e.g. 1+1=3 and […]

Learning Music

Meditation, sound and EEG

The EEGsynth team had an honorary guest today: French musician, composer and researcher Philippe Langlois. He tried the EEGsynth for the first time and he immediately showed some impressive alpha peaks along with other magic waves. Philippe has a long history of practicing meditation (using the Lotus Sutra) so it was immediately easy for him […]

Art Music Science Technology

Cod Spawning becomes music

The EEGsynth collaborates with Norwegian biologists, Norwegian musicians  and Dutch researchers to develop performances that are created to be presented to both humans and cod fish. In the project we use high-quality recordings of cod fish’s mating sounds and turn them into aesthetically interesting music. We also let the cod’s movement patterns control sound, light […]


1+1=3 Returns to London

The 1+1=3 team will be working in the UK March 27-31 to create new sounds and music using the EEGsynth. They are joined by London-based composer and music producer Tomas Nordmark. Together they will look for new strategies for making music using both parties technology platforms, experiences and aesthetic know how. The group has previously […]


1+1=3 live at Darb 1718

1+1=3 will perform at 3031 Art Fest in Cairo, March 12 at 7.30pm. The Festival takes place at the epic Darb 1718 art centre. They will perform “Neu Oscillations,” a one hour long piece conceived by the group during Nordic workshops organised and carried out by Vision Forum in Sweden and Denmark 2019-2021. The piece […]

Music Science Technology

EEG-controlled ambisonic diffusion

With the EEGsynth setup now running with the Mentalab Explore, we couldn’t wait to try out the magnificent facilities at Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH) Paris Nord, and start using the EEGsynth in their research of ambisonic diffusion. It is just the beginning, but were started exploring a patch to control the position and […]


EEGsynth Workshop at 3031 Arts Festival

The EEGsynth team offers members of the public the opportunity try their music platform to make sounds with their brain activity. The workshop takes place at at Darb1718 and forms an integrated part of the  3031 Art Fest. During the workshop visitors will use electroencephalogram to influence sounds. Three people at the time can use the […]


The Mentalab Explore arrived

Paris HQ 2.0 The EEGsynth HQ in Paris has gotten quite a facelift during the COVID-19 times: cork panels on the wall for aesthetics and sound diffusion, a new desk, and a couch for visitors and listening. The center-piece is a large wooden DIY Eurorack case by Ginkosynthese, in which I installed two Doepfer PSU3s […]